Fact Check Policy

Last Updated: 30 January 2024


At TECH NEWS INDEX, we are committed to delivering accurate and reliable information to our readers. Our fact-checking policy is designed to uphold the highest standards of journalism and ensure that the content we provide is trustworthy and credible. This policy outlines our approach to fact-checking and corrections.

Responsibility for Accuracy

  1. Editorial Responsibility: Our editorial team is responsible for fact-checking all articles, news stories, reviews, and content published on TECH NEWS INDEX. We are committed to verifying the accuracy of information before it is published to the best of our ability.
  2. Sources and Attribution: We rely on reputable sources, including official statements, reports from recognized institutions, expert interviews, and primary documents when researching and writing our content. Proper attribution is given to these sources to maintain transparency.

Fact-Checking Process

  1. Thorough Research: Our writers and editors conduct thorough research to verify the facts presented in our content. This includes cross-referencing information from multiple sources and consulting experts when necessary.
  2. Confirmation of Claims: We verify claims, statistics, and statements made in articles and ensure that they are supported by credible evidence.
  3. Expert Input: In cases where the subject matter is complex or technical, we seek input and guidance from subject matter experts to ensure accuracy.
  4. Editorial Oversight: All content goes through a rigorous editorial process where editors review and fact-check the material before publication.

Corrections and Updates

  1. Transparent Corrections: If errors or inaccuracies are identified after publication, we are committed to promptly correcting them. Corrections are made transparently within the article, clearly indicating what was corrected and the reason for the correction.
  2. Reader Feedback: We encourage our readers to report any errors or inaccuracies they come across. We take reader feedback seriously and investigate reported issues promptly.

Opinion and Analysis

  1. Distinguishing Opinion: While we strive for factual accuracy, we acknowledge that some content on TECH NEWS INDEX may include opinion pieces and analysis. These articles are clearly labeled as such, and while they may express subjective viewpoints, they are still held to the standards of fairness and accuracy.

Third-Party Fact-Checkers

  1. Collaboration: In our commitment to accuracy, we may collaborate with reputable third-party fact-checking organizations to assess the accuracy of certain claims or statements.

Trust and Accountability

  1. Accountability: We take our responsibility to our readers seriously. If you have concerns about the accuracy of our content or believe we have made an error, please contact us through our designated [contact page].
  2. Continuous Improvement: We continuously strive to improve our fact-checking processes and uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity.


Our fact-checking policy reflects our dedication to delivering accurate and reliable information to our readers. We understand the importance of trustworthy journalism in the digital age and are committed to upholding these principles in every article we publish on TECH NEWS INDEX.

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